July 19, 2017 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Golden Community Center
1470 10th Street

Sun panels and sunflowerGolden’s Community Sustainability Advisory Board (CSAB) is taking steps to bring a community solar garden to Golden. The first step in the process is for citizens to vote whether to add renewable energy as an allowable land use at the Rooney Road Sports Complex. While no specific solar garden project is under consideration at this time, if voters approve the use of renewable energy at the site, next steps will be to amend the current lease with Jefferson County and look for a favorable project. Learn more about the Community Solar Ballot Initiative.

Join CSAB members for a “Let’s Talk Solar” open house and volunteer recruitment meeting on July 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Golden Community Center. Stop by to learn more about all things solar and the Community Solar Ballot initiative and ways to get involved. Refreshments will be provided. Those interested in volunteering are encouraged to fill out the online volunteer recruitment form Seamless Docs logo or email goldensustainability@cityofgolden.net.