
Golden is a Place to Prosper!

Downtown GoldenEnjoy an active business community just minutes away from Denver. The City of Golden is committed to providing the highest quality of life and opportunity for its citizens through progressive, responsible, and innovative leadership. One of the primary resources available to provide this quality of life is a healthy local economy.

The City’s economic development programs are designed to bolster economic health and opportunity within Golden and the surrounding area for residents and businesses alike.

Can’t find what you’re looking for in these pages? Try the menu at the right, the City Services directory, or the pages of the appropriate local government department. If you still can’t find what you need, give us a call at 303-384-8000, or send us an email at

COG Mesa

 Did You Know?
Golden was originally chosen as the territorial capital of Colorado in 1862.

Additional Resources

City of Golden, Colorado
COG Mesa
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