January 13, 2022 @ 6:30 pm
Virtual Meeting

Please note, due to the rise in COVID-19 cases, this meeting will be completely virtual. Please download the meeting agenda for instructions on how you can participate in the meeting at Agendas, Minutes, Web Casts and Schedules page. On the Agendas page, you will also find a link to stream the meeting live or watch it afterward at your convenience.


The Economic Development Commission (EDComm) was established by Golden City Council in June of 1999 and consists of seven members. The purpose of the Economic Development Commission is to provide leadership, education, and the tools necessary for the Golden community to optimize appropriate economic opportunities. Their duties include developing a structure and strategy for marketing/promoting the Golden community.

To download the agenda for the next meeting, or view archived agendas, minutes or listen to audio from past meetings, please visit the Agendas, Minutes, Web Casts and Schedules page.

The Economic Development Commission meets regularly on the second Thursday of each month starting at 6:30 p.m. If a meeting must be rescheduled for some reason, the date will be noted on the Community Calendar and on the agendas page.