Neighborhood Associations

How to be a Neighborhood Association in Golden

Neighborhood AssociationsFormal and informal neighborhood associations are one of the many ways you can be involved in the community, and also one of the ways that the City can maintain two-way communication with groups of residents. To that end, compiling a list of the informal associations in the community as well as the formal HOAs that need to register with the state can help improve communication. Download the latest HOA list Excel icon.

Please also remember to update the information for your group and advise us if you see out of date contact information for other associations.

How will the City use the Association information?

  • Associations and contact persons will be listed on the downloadable HOA list, available above.
  • The City will periodically send updates we believe are of interest.
  • The City may highlight efforts reported by the Association, or neighborhood grant projects in the Informer or on the city website.
  • No other use of the association information will be permitted.

What opportunities will be available to Associations?

  • Associations can receive updates on City projects and land use case applications.
  • Associations will be invited to events where associations can share their activities and best practices.

Registering Informal Neighborhood Associations

  • Identify the approximate boundaries of the area considered.
  • Set up a neighborhood communication system. One option is to set up email groups of various types.
  • Notify the City Community and Economic Development Department at that your association has been established.
  • Update your association contact information with the City annually. Identify the approximate boundaries of the area considered.

Registering Formal Homeowners Associations:

  • Formal HOAs are defined and governed individually and according to legal requirements. The City is not involved in establishing or operating such groups.
  • The only City requirement of such groups will be to submit a copy of your HOA declarations or Bylaws including property boundaries one time, and to try to keep us informed when officers and contact persons change.
COG Mesa

 Golden has 402 acres of open space
and maintains 253 acres of parks right within the city itself.

Additional Resources

City of Golden, Colorado
COG Mesa
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